

[판교테크노밸리][행사안내] IoT 2015 국제학회 (The 5th International Conference on Internet of Things)

하이거 2015. 10. 15. 11:40

[행사안내] IoT 2015 국제학회 (The 5th International Conference on Internet of Things)


작성자 관리자 작성일 2015-10-14



IoT 2015 국제학회 (The 5th International Conference on Internet of Things)


일시: 20151026~ 1028

장소: 코엑스 E





IoT 20152008년 스위스 Zurich, 2010년 일본 Tokyo, 2012년 중국 Wuxi, 2014년 미국 Boston(MIT)에 이어 올해 5번째로 열리는 IEEE 국제학회로써 사물인터넷 (IoT) 분야에서 가장 오래되고 저명한 학회입니다. IoT 2015는 세개의 키노트 세션(Dr. Michahelles, Web of Things Director, Siemens USA / Dr. Datta, Senior Vice President, Industrial Internet Consortium / 이효건 박사, 부사장, 삼성전자)을 시작으로 20편의 테크니컬 학술 논문발표, 20편의 데모/포스터 세션 그리고 총 6개의 웍샵에서 50여편, 90여편의 다양한 IoT 관련 최신 기술이 발표됩니다. ([1] The Sixth International Workshop on the Web of Things[WoT 2015] / [2] IoT applications value creation for industry experience, challenges, evolution / [3] IoT and Smart Agriculture / [4] Internet of Processes / [5] Smart Water Challenges and IoT / [6] Worldwide collaboration for global IoT solutions)




General Co-Chairs: Prof. Munkee Choi, KAIST / Prof. Sanjay Sarma, MIT / Prof. Elgar Fleisch, ETH Zurich


Organizing Char: Prof. Daeyoung Kim, KAIST



Naver, 농림축산식품부, 농림수산식품교육문화정보원, 부산대사물인터넷센터, Benple, KAIST


홈페이지: http://www.iot-conference.org/iot2015/





참가대상: IoT 2015 국제학회/워크샵 참석자 및 관심있는 산학연관 종사자 및 학생


참가 방법: http://www.iot-conference.org/iot2015/registration/





Room No.

Room A

Room B

Room C

Day 1, Monday October 26, 2015

09:00 ~ 09:30

Opening Ceremony

09:30 ~ 10:30

Keynote Session : Dr. Hyogun Lee, Executive Vice President, Samsung Electronics

10:30 ~ 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 ~ 12:00

Technical Session: Architecture and System Design 11. Design of RFID Outdoor Localization System (L. Vojtech, M. Neruda, J. Skapa, J.
Novotny, R. Bortel, T. Korinek, CTU in Prague, Czech Rep.)
2. Cyber-Physical Systems as the technical foundation for problem solutions inmanufacturing, logistics and Supply Chain Management (C. Klotzer, A. Pflaum,
University of Bamberg, Germany)

Workshop: IoT applications value creation for industry . experience, challenges, evolution 11. Challenges for creating sustainable value by IoT industrial applications (N. L. Fantana, ABB, Germany)
2. Samsung’s vision for IoT and Key Technologies (J. W. Lee, Samsung, Korea)
3. Smart Data Innovation: Strategies for an inevitable revolution (T. Riedel, KIT, Germany)
4. EC IoT RC activities with focus on IoT and industry (O. Vermesan, EC IoT RC, SINTEF)
5. Low-cost, pervasive sensing leveraging existing wireless infrastructure (S. Sarma, Josh Siegel, MIT, USA)

12:00 ~ 13:00

Technical Session: Security1. Practical Security Analysis for the Constrained Node Networks: Focusing on theDTLS Protocol (J. Han, M. Ha, D. Kim, KAIST, Korea)
2. Secure and Low-Power Authentication for Resource-Constrained Devices (M.
Sethi†*, P. Kortoci*, M. D. Francesco*, T. Aura*, †NomadicLab, Ericsson Research,
*Aalto University, Espoo)

13:00 ~ 14:00

Networking Lunch

14:00 ~ 15:00

Technical Session: Application & Services1. Conversations with Connected Vehicles (S. Mayer*, J. Siegel†, *ETH Zurich,
Switzerland, †Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
2. Bringing online Shopping Experience to Offline Retail through Augmented Realityand RFID (Z. Rashid, E. Peig, R. Pous, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain)

Workshop: Internet of Process 11. Composite automatic identification and data capture for industrial internet (J. Mitsugi,
Keio University, Japan)
2. IoT as a support for logistics processes in automotive (J. Unucka, Gaben company,
Czech Rep.)
3. OBD2 and machine vision-based car recognition for advanced carsharing servicesmanagement (J. Rhee, Dongguk University, Korea)
4. Industry 4.0 and holonic systems (V. Kebo, VSB-TUO, Czech Rep.)
5. Reliability and Quality of IoT services . today and tomorrow (L. Vojtech, CTU inPrague, Czech Rep.)

Workshop: IoT applications value creation for industry . experience, challenges, evolution 21. How a Web of Systems could change industries (F. Michahelles, Siemens, USA)
2. The topics is IOT Cloud and industry solution innovations (W. C.R. Sun, IBM, USA, CN)
3. Arrowhead Framework a key enabler to very large scale automation systems (J. Delsing, Lulea Universityof Technology, Sweden)
4. Industry 4.0 from concepts to products (D. Zuhlke, DFKI, Germany)
5. Business Ecosystems for the Internet of Things (A. Pflaum, Fraunhofer, U. Bamberg, Germany)

15:00 ~ 16:00

Technical Session: Semantic Web Technologies 11. Practical Semantics for the Internet of Things: Physical States, Device Mashups,
and Open Questions (M. Kovatsch*, Y. N. Hassan*, S. Mayer†, *ETH Zurich,
Switzerland, †Siemens Corporate Technology, USA)
2. Run-Time knowledge model enrichment in SWoT A step toward ambient servicesselection relevancy (G. Rocher*†, J. Tigli*†, S. Lavirotte*†, R. Daikhi**, *UniversiteNice Sophia Antipolis, France, †Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,
France, **ESPRIT University, Tunisia)

16:00 ~ 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 ~ 17:30

Technical Session: Optimization1. Optimal Processing Node Discovery Algorithm for Distributed Computing in IoT(R. Kolcun, D.Boyle, J. A. McCann, Imperial College London, United Kingdom)
2. Optimizations for RFID-based IoT applications on the Cloud (H. M. Nguyen, S. H.
Kim, D. T. Le, S. Heo, J. Im, D. Kim, KAIST, Korea)

Workshop: Internet of Process 21. Identification services through intelligent item agent (P. Kolarovszki, University ofZilina, Slovakia)
2. GS1 EPC/RFID will make Internet of Things alive (P. Fuchsikova, GS1 Czech R.,
Czech Rep.)

Workshop: IoT applications value creation for industry . experience, challenges, evolution 31. Eyes of Things . visual sensing in the Internet of Things (D. Stricker, A. Dehghani, DFKI, Movidius,
Germany, Ireland)
2. IoTSP . Revolutionary man-machine cooperation (S. Svensson, ABB, Sweden)

18:00 Departure19:00 ~

Welcome Reception : Itaewon Moon Shine

Day 2, Tuesday October 27, 2015

09:00 ~ 10:00

Keynote Session : Dr. Shoumen Palit Austin Datta, Executive Vice President, Industrial Internet Consortium

10:00 ~ 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 ~ 12:00

Technical Session - Hardware & Network1. Gateway Selection in Capillary Networks (N. Beijar, O. Novo, J. Jimenez, J.
Melen, Ericsson Research, Finland)
2. A Fully Logic CMOS Compatible Non-Volatile Memory for Low Power IoTApplications (Y. Wang, J. Xiang, X. Chen, T. Yang, N. Yan, H. Min, FudanUniversity, China)
3. Sensing WiFi Network for Personal Object Analytics (U. G. Acer, A. Boran, C.
Forlivesi, W. Liekens, F. Perez-cruz, F. Kawsar, Bell Laboratories, USA)

Workshop: The Sixth International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2015) 1

12:00 ~ 13:00

Networking Lunch

13:00 ~ 14:00

Technical Session: Architecture and System Design 21. Ambient Flow: A Visual Approach for Remixing the Internet of Things (D.
Carlson*, M, Mogerle†, M. Pagel*, S. Verma*, D. S. Rosenblum*, *NationalUniversity of Singapore, Singapore, †University of Stuttgart, Germany)
2. Software-defined Environment for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (N. G.
Nayak, F. Durr, K. Rothermel, University of Stuttgart, Germany)

Workshop: The Sixth International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2015) 2

Workshop: Worldwide collaboration for global IoT solutions1. EU-Japan collaboration for smarter cities (L. Gurgen, EU Project Coordinator, CEA, France)
2. EU-China collaboration in IoT (P. Cousin, CEO, Easy Global Market, France)
3. EU-US-Asia collaboration within the Auto-ID Labs: research, standardization and regulation development(J. Mitsugi, Keio University, Japan)
4. Introduction about the IoT application situation in China (J. Shen, Vice President, WSN, China)
5. Status of IoT and Smart Cities of Korea and its perspectives (Y. W. Kim, Head, ETRI, Korea)
6. EU-Korea collaboration with open source IoT platforms (J. Kim, Head, KETI, Korea)

14:00 ~ 15:00

Technical Session: Semantic Web Technologies 21. Semantic Annotation Engine for Smart Grid Applications (R. Mosshammer*, A.
Einfalt*, A. Lugmaier*, J. Hodges†, F. Michahelles†, *Siemens AG Osterreich,
Austria, †Siemens Corporation, USA)
2. An ontology Design Pattern for IoT Device Tagging Systems (V. Charpenay*†, S.
Kabisch*, D. Anicic*, H. Kosch†, *Siemens AG, Austria, †Universitat Passau,

15:00 ~ 15:30

Coffee Break / Poster & Demonstration Preparation

15:30 ~ 17:30

Poster & Demonstration Session

17:30 ~

Conference Banquet : Intercontinental Hotel

Day 3, Wednesday October 28, 2015

09:00 ~ 10:00

Keynote Session : Dr.Florian Michahelles, Head of The Web of Things Research Group, Siemens

10:00 ~ 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 ~ 12:00

Technical Session: Architecture and System Design 31. A Connective Fabric for Bridging Internet of Things Silos (S. Mayer, E. Wilde, F.
Michahelles, Siemens Corporate Technology, USA)
2. Developing IoT Applications in the Fog: a Distributed Dataflow Approach (N. K.
Giang, M. Blackstock, R. Lea, V. C.M. Leung, University of British Columbia,
3. IoTMap : IoT Mashup Application Platform for the Mobile Device Developers andUsers (S. Heo, S. Woo, J. Im, D. Kim, KAIST, Korea)

12:00 ~ 13:00

Networking Lunch

13:00 ~ 15:00

Workshop: IoT and Smart Agriculture 11. The policy for IoT in the area of Agriculture in Korea (K. Park, Korean Ministry ofAgriculture, Korea)
2. IoT for Swine Farm (H. D. Park, ezFarm, Korea)
3. IoT-based Data Portal for Food and Agriculture (TBA, Korean Agency ofEducation, Korea)
4. IoT-based Data Portal for Food and Agriculture (TBA, Fudan University, China)

Workshop: Smart Water Challenges and IoT 11. Information System and ICT: challenges and opportunities for water management (P.
Gourbesville,University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France)
2. From IoT to Web of Things (WoT) (A. Ruppen, University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
3. Innovative Platform for Web of Things in the Cyber-Physical Systems and feedbackon experiences in Water and Electricity industries (J. Tigli, S. Lavirotte, University ofNice Sophia Antipolis, France)
4. New technologies for Smart Water Management (TBA, ESRI, USA)

15:00 ~ 15:30

Coffee Break

15:30 ~ 17:00

Workshop: IoT and Smart Agriculture 21. IoT for Greenhouse (TBA, TBA, )
2. Food Traceability based on GS1 systems for China, Japan, and Korea (TBA,
TBA, )
3. IoT Platform and the Future of the Food Industry (TBA, VITAGORA, France)

Workshop: Smart Water Challenges and IoT 21. New technologies for Smart Water Management (TBA, IBM, France)
2. Standardization requirements and relevant activities for Smart Water Management(TBA, ETRI, Korea)