11월 싱가포르 현지 행사계획 안내 및 참가신청 접수-스마트네이션심포지움 및 금융권 대상 솔루션 페어
작성일 2015-10-15
해당안내 링크주소
Executive Summary
In May 2005, a high-level steering committee convened to spearhead the development of Singapore's 10-year masterplan to grow the ICT sector and to use infocomm technologies to enhance the competitiveness of key economic sectors and build a well-connected society. iN2015 (Intelligent Nation 2015) is the conduit to enable access to the world's resources and for Singapore to export her ideas, products and services to the global marketplace.
As it is now near to the end of iN2015 Masterplan, Singapore will be embarking on the Smart Nation 10 years Masterplan that guide the ICT sectors up to 2025.
The goal of 2025 Masterplan is to establish Singapore as a Smart Nation that leads the world in tapping the potential of ICT and nurtures that innovative talent and businesses. In this way, the ICT sectors can ring economic growth and social cohesion, and better living for the people.
Desired Outcomes of Smart Nation
• A Better Quality of Life for Singaporeans – Using ICT solutions and technologies to support the way Singaporeans work, live and play.
• Sustainable and Quality Growth – Tapping on ICT sectors to optimise national resources (infrastructure, business environment and talent pool), drive productivity for critical industries, and build globally competitive Singapore-based ICT companies.
Stakeholders of Smart Nation Project
The stakeholders of Smart Nation Project consists of;
1) Government – IDA, SNPO and various government ministries and agencies….etc
2) Industry & Research Institutes – ICT companies, ASTAR, NUS, NTU…..etc
3) Public & Community – Singaporeans, SITF, Singapore Computer Society….etc
1. Smart Nation Programme Office
Smart Nation Programme Office (SNPO) was set up in Oct 2014. It is an office under the Prime Minister Office (PMO). This office will be headed by current Minister for Environment and Water Resources Dr Vivian Balakrishnan. The office location is located in the same office with IDA (do take note that Smart Nation Programme Office is not part of IDA). The current staff strength is around 11 person at this moment and is headed by Mr Tan Kok Yam (Head), and Deputy Head is Ms Chay Pui San.
The objective of setting up Smart Nation Programme Office is to coordinate efforts by various government agencies that are already using IT to serve citizens
1.1 Role of SNPO;
1) Overall Programme Management
2) System-level Integration
3) Ecosystem Development
4) Narrative Development
Smart Nation Research Areas
1. Heterogeneous Network to provide seamless transitions to the best available network in range, while maintaining a consistent quality of experience for users;
2. Deploying sensors with Above Ground Boxes, which will act as key aggregation points for fibre access and power needs, thus providing high-speed back-end connectivity;
3. Positioning Singapore as a regional Digital Harbour to anchor, process and distribute premium digital content; and
4. Building a trusted Data Marketplace where private and public sector datasets are available to help generate new applications, products and services.
5. Creating a Self-Sustaining Start-up Ecosystem where Singapore-based ICM start-ups can tap on the expertise, international connections and capital of a wide network of private investors; and
6. Building local ICM players’ capabilities to provide a Media Service for Next Generation Seniors to enhance their social interaction.
7. Inculcating an early interest in ICM and innovation by introducing Computational Thinking to young people; and
8. Facilitating Open and Accelerated Professional Development by providing an online learning portal where young ICM professionals can acquire new skills and find new job opportunities. This will create more avenues for learning through work attachments, as well as alternatives for professionals in Small and Medium Enterprises (“SMEs”) to pursue a degree.
9. Providing convenient and easy access to healthcare through Smart Health Assist, which uses sensors to monitor an individual’s health conditions and alert healthcare providers when needed;
10. Increasing productivity in the logistics sector via Urban Logistics, which coordinates delivery schedules and resource sharing to achieve collaborative distribution; and
11. Rekindling our “kampung spirit” through projects such as Community Time Exchange, an ICM-enabled platform to allow people trade services.
12. Establishing a Fast and Affordable IP Licensing Framework to encourage a smoother flow of IPs into the ecosystem for government-funded R&D; and
13. Enhancing Market Demand for ICM Technologies and making it easier to translate ICM-related R&D.
Technologies Adoptions for Smart Nation Research
The following summary are the key technologies Smart Nation Programme is adopting for the above 13 initiatives;
1) Big Data & Data Analytics
2) Internet of Things (IoT)
3) Next Generation Security
4) Mobility
5) Robotics
Smart Nation Key Focus Area
Currently, Smart Nation project will be focusing on these 3 key areas of development;
1) Aging Population
2) Healthcare
3) Population Density
4) Transportation
IDA and various participating agencies will be testing, researching and developing prototypes for the above problems faced in Singapore in the next few years. Based on the above high priority focus, IDA will be developing Smart Nation Platform (SNP). Smart Nation Platform, which will involve infrastructure and technology to enable a whole host of new capabilities to citizens, businesses, and the government.
Smart Nation Platform (SNP)
The SNP is planned to roll out in two phases; the first, scheduled to be completed by the end of this year 2015, will involve localized trials for wired and wireless connectivity sensors and networks.
The second phase is expected to be a large scale deployment of technologies in collaboration with industry partners, with which the IDA will be selecting and consulting.
IDA is partnering with a multitude of tech industry companies to develop ideas for its SNP.
Besides the aforementioned Singaporean telcos, the announcement mentions Microsoft, IBM, Hitachi Data Systems, Cloudera, Key Insights, and more. Local tech companies and startups can provide their own resources and ideas to the cause, such as Singapore-based Green Koncepts, developer of Energetix, a cloud-based energy management platform, and Trakomatic, developer of a video analytics and position tracking platform for retailers.
For now, the first phase of the project involves connectivity: a project to keep everyone in the island city state perpetually connected to the internet via their mobile devices. Through an initiative termed HetNet (abbreviated from Heterogeneous Network), IDA aims to enable everyone to remain online from the moment they leave their home until they return.
To achieve this, IDA is working with four Singaporean telcos – Singtel, StarHub, M1, and MyRepublic – who will provide the infrastructure so that the user can seamlessly switch between his/her own personal connection and a public one provided by HetNet as he/she moves about the city.
The plan is to begin trials for the initiative in the latter half of 2015 at Singapore’s Jurong Lake district. The trials will focus on locations with heavy human traffic, such as lifts, pedestrian walkways, bus interchanges, and MRT (subway) stations.
This will allow providers to measure how heavy the network usage gets in those areas and work to ensure the experience is uninterrupted even when users watch streaming video on their devices (which people do a lot, as anyone who has used public transportation in Singapore can attest).
The trials will also focus on places not traditionally associated with public wi-fi coverage, such as HDB lifts and void decks.
The point, of course, isn’t just to ensure commuters won’t miss a second of their favorite K-drama on the train. The plan is for the technology to eventually allow for connectivity across a wide variety of smart, connected devices with applications such as remote health monitoring, remote learning and even self-driving vehicles.
Part of the SNP will be deploying sensors in this island. Fitness trackers, smartwatches, and other wearables will need to be accommodated by the new infrastructure. Sensors placed across the city will be constantly transmitting all kinds of data, including communication, health, entertainment, traffic. They will all need to talk to each other, and to their own providers, whether to inform your doctor of your heart condition or to alert the authorities of a possible traffic congestion. Interoperability and compatibility will be key factors in all this stream of data reaching its intended destination.
IDA has also set up a technical committee with Singapore’s IT Standards Committee. Made up of industry players, research institutes, universities, and government agencies, the committee’s goal is to come up with technical references and standards for IoT (Internet of Things) devices and sensor networks.
So far, it has developed and published a first batch of sensor network technical references for public areas and homes. Eventually, IDA claims, a full set of standards will be developed, to ensure seamless information sharing across services and devices.
1st Testbed (Jurong Lake District)
Jurong Lake District (JLD) is one of the new growth areas identified in URA’s Master Plan to support our economic growth for the next 10 to 15 years, and to decentralise commercial activities out of the city centre.
Located in western Singapore, JLD will be the largest commercial and regional centre outside the city centre.
It will be developed into one of Singapore’s new high-density districts, as part of Singapore’s blueprint for sustainable development.
In June 2014, IDA has announced that Jurong Lake District(JLD) will become the live test bed of the country’s recently unveiled Smart Nation Platform.
Fifteen smart solutions will be tested at the JLD, giving a glimpse of what a Smart Nation could look like.
Among the solutions to be deployed in JLD are a seamless connectivity solution for vehicles, a smart queue monitoring system for public transportation, and smart mobile walking navigation guide, among others.
Connectivity infrastructure, such as Above Ground (AG) Boxes and over 1,000 sensors will be deployed to pilot a wide variety of solutions, focusing on three main areas – urban mobility; sustainability; and improving sensing and situational awareness. IDA and partner agencies (URA, EDB, BCA, HDB, JTC, LTA, NEA, NLB, NParks and SLA) are currently working with more than 20 companies and start-ups to progressively deploy and trial innovative technology from Q3 2014.”
2nd Testbed (Sentosa)
Sentosa isn’t just one of Singapore’s premier tourist destinations; it will also be a testbed for new technologies that might eventually be deployed across the country. IDA will be collaborating with the Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC) to develop and try out technologies aimed at the tourism sector.
Under the scheme, SDC will be identifying areas under its purview that can be improved with technology, such as crowd management, automated business services, transport services, and energy and waste management.
It will then be working with IDA and local technology companies to come up with innovative solutions to those problems. Ideas such as autonomous vehicles and drones are a few possibilities, as well as location and position tracking to determine areas in which crowds congregate.
IDA and SDC hope that if successful, some of those trials can lead to a better experience for visitors and tourists, as well as the rest of Singapore if a successful idea is applied to the country as a whole.
Infocomm Projects 2015
Besides Smart Nation Platform projects, various ministries will also be enhancing their own digital infrastructure in 2015.
The followings are some of the Infocomm projects in the pipeline 2015;
1.1 Ministry of Education (MOE):
MOE shared on upcoming projects that build new capabilities, derive greater value from existing investments and pave the way for future exploitation of ICT. To gain greater insights and make better business decisions and policy formulation, MOE hopes to acquire analytics tools and capability to mine from its rich pool of existing data sets. In the next 3 years, MOE will also acquire ICT services to build and extend its infrastructure in schools and procurement of systems for efficient school administration.
1.2 Ministry of Manpower (MOM):
MOM shared that it will be looking at skills, solutions and experiences in the following areas: User Experience Design, Agile, automated testing, data management and analytics, drones and Internet of Things. MOM also shared the planned procurement for next generation work pass system, licensing System for employment agencies and dormitories and a new finance and procurement tracking system.
1.3 National Library Board (NLB):
NLB’s key projects are aimed at providing excellent customer services to library users. By observing evolving lifestyles of individuals and anticipating needs through analytics, information services and resources are made relevant and easily accessible. Through automation and self-service, NLB also aims to reduce library operations, and allow staff to focus on the user experience.
1.4 Singapore Customs (SC):
To propel Singapore as a secure trade hub, Singapore Customs and IDA will be revamping our National Trade Infrastructure. The enhanced infrastructure will provide greater resiliency and alignment to further strengthen Singapore’s trading system and value-add to businesses. The new system, tentative known as new National Trade Infrastructure, is a keystone project for the Government.
Smart Nation Budget for FY2015
Smart Nation Budget FY 2015 (1st April’15 to 31st Mar’16) – S$2.2billion (Most tenders will be less than S$5million range. This is to help the SME in Singapore and encourage them to take part in Smart Nation projects tender).
This is the first time KICC, SiTF & IDA is joining forces to co-host the first Smart Nation Symposium in Singapore. The objective of this event is to bring closer the relationship of various stakeholders in Smart Nation to understand more about Korea’s technology landscape. At the same time, through this co-hosting seminar it will support Korea’s technology companies to understand more about Smart Nation status.
• Smart Nation Symposium will address the new business possibilities from the internet of things and cyber security to contextual technology
• This isn’t a trade show. This isn’t a conference. It’s an experience. Our format guarantees ideas, learning and networking – If you are part of the eco-system then you should be part of Smart Nation Symposium
• It will explore new business models, facilitate new collaborations and partnerships and generate new ideas and thinking.
• It is also a marketplace that brings the entire eco-system together: platforms, integrators, cloud infrastructure, security, big data, regulators, government ministries and big brands.
As Singapore gears up to become the world’s first smart nation, technology companies play a vital role in this eco-system. Singapore may not be Silicon Valley, but it has built a good ecosystem that embodies a thriving entrepreneurial culture.
The compact nature of the country and single-level government structure creates a conducive environment for people and business with big ideas and technology to implement trials on nation-wide scale. With a stable economy and easy access to major markets in Southeast Asia, it enable successful pilots to be scaled up and deployed quickly.
With this Smart Nation initiative and support from Singapore Government, there will be abundant of business opportunities to co-create your technology partners and bring it to life!
8:00 – 9:00am Registration & Coffee
9:00 – 9:15am Opening Session & Welcome Keynote addresses
9:00am - 9:05am – SiTF Representative, Vice Chairman (5mins)
9:05am - 9:10am – IDA Representative, Director (5mins)
9:10am – 915am – Korean Government Agency/Korean Embassy in Singapore
9:15 - 9:45am SMART Nation: Connecting the Dots – Head, Smart Nation Programme Office (30mins)
9:45 - 10:45am Dialogue Session 1: Smart Nation Key Technologies
In this session, the participants will first present on the following list of topics ;
- Smart & Stainable Mobility by ST Electronics, President (5mins)
- Smart Nation Heterogeneous Roadmap by IDA director Telecom (5mins)
- Keeping Smart Cities Healthy by NKIA Representative (5mins)
- IOT Technologies for Smart Living by Korea Telecom Representative (5mins)
- Korea Smart Cities Blueprint by Quartz Sys Director (5mins)
- Future Roadmap for Smart Cities Platform by TMaxsoft Director (5mins)
- more slots for Korean SMEs (to be considered)
Follow by a dialogue session on the topic of Smart Nation Key Technologies with a moderator (20mins)
- Q&A Sessions from the audience (10mins)
List of Participants;
- ST Electronics President – Smart & Stainable Mobility
- IDA Director Telecom - Smart Nation Heterogeneous Roadmap
- NKIA Representative – Keeping Smart Cities Healthy
- Korea Telecom Representative – IOT Technologies for Smart Living
- Quartz Sys Director – Korea Smart Cities Blueprint
- TMaxsoft Director – Future Roadmap for Smart Cities Platform
10:45am – 11:05am Tea-Break
11:05am - 12:05pm Dialogue Session 2: Securing The Smart Nation
In this session, the participants will touch on the following list of topics ;
- Securing National Critical Infrastructure by Cyber Security Agency Director (5mins)
- Responding and react to National Cyber Attack by AhnLab Technical Director (5mins)
- Challenges to Securing the Nation by Singtel Security Director (5mins)
- Securing Smart Cities by NSHC CEO (5mins)
Follow by a dialogue session on the topic of Securing The Smart Nation with a moderator (25mins)
Q&A Session (10mins)
List of Participants;
- Cyber Security Agency Director – Securing National Critical Infrastructure
- AhnLab Technical Director – Responding and React to National Cyber Attack
- Singtel Security Director – Challenges on Securing the Nation
- NSHC CEO – Securing Smart Cities
- JiranSoft – Securing Smart Work
- more slots for Korean SMEs (to be considered)
12:05pm – 12:15pm Closing Speech - Presented by KICC
12:15pm – 14:00pm
Luncheon & Networking (a few exhibition booths for biz discussion provided)
Korea Solution Fair 2015
In Singapore
Date: 24 November 2015
Time: 1600 to 2000
Venue: Singapore
Version 1.0
ASEAN banks have performed well over the last two decades since the Asian Financial Crisis. Asia's economies and financial systems, including those in ASEAN, generally held up well during the Global Financial Crisis.
Looking forward to 2016 and beyond over the medium to long term, ASEAN is expected to remain among the fastest growing regions in the world.
Last year, the combined GDP of ASEAN was close to US$2.5 trillion - larger than India.
If ASEAN were a single country, it would already be the seventh-largest economy in the world. It is projected to rank as the fourth-largest economy by 2050.
The ASEAN-4 - Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines - are projected to grow
by at least 4% per annum on average over the next five years. It could be as high as 6% if
ASEAN becomes more integrated and these countries successfully implement structural
reforms to raise productivity and competitiveness.
For banks in ASEAN, it is not just the size and growth of the economies that matter. It is the composition of that growth and demand.
Rising incomes and the agglomeration effects of urbanisation will significantly expand the ranks of the middle class in ASEAN.
In the ASEAN FSI industry, market opportunities grow faster than IT budgets. Beyond financial institutions, other industries are also faced with the same challenges brought about by technology trends such as big data and social media.
However, for the financial services industry, these trends pose some unique challenges.
Compliance, regulations, risks, and evolving business models add on to the industry's burdens. IT departments are pressured to support all these business requirements, improve efficiency and manageability, handle budget constraints, and meet time-to-market goals, while ensuring the security of customer information. When data is not managed properly, it quickly becomes a liability.
ASEAN banking institutions now have the youngest core systems globally which are less than seven years old; the median age for European and North American core banking systems are 12 and 20 years respectively.
The bid for greater business agility is also apparent in other IT domains – three in every five
institutions are found to be committing themselves to private, hybrid and public Cloud investments for the upcoming year, breaking the years-long indecision that has permeated the industry.
"Combined with the solidification of the ASEAN Economic Community charter, greater affordability of IT in the enterprise and consumer space, as well as the rise of regulators as enablers rather than inhibitors of innovation, we believe the significant shifts in IT investment witnessed over the past years are a strong reflection of future trends, and ultimately, of our financial sector's growing maturity in reconciling 3rd Platform technologies with day-to-day operations," says Sui-Jon Ho, Market Analyst at IDC Financial Insights.
"As many of our leading FSIs have demonstrated, the hallmark of a truly 'innovative' organization does not lie in a complete departure from legacy systems or practices, but in renewing them through the right technological acquisition, thus creating new synergies which are still firmly anchored to the existing business."
With all these positive trends in place, we can conclude that the ASEAN FSI sector is a promising continuous growing sector for IT companies to consider investing in.
Korea IT Cooperation Centre (KICC) serves as a window for cooperation and aims to promote technologies SME and start-ups from Korea to ASEAN, especially to the financial institutions in these countries.
Together with a strategic partner, KICC hope to reach out to the leading financial institutions in ASEAN and to increase awareness and engagement opportunities and more opportunities creation in the region.
These are some business goals that KICC would like to achieve:
1. To make the Korean SME’s brand visibility and thought leadership as a value-add partner, amongst a group of influencers and senior executives in the financial services industry.
2. To generate sales leads in the future
3. Constantly interact and build goodwill with decision makers and influencers from leading financial institutions in the region leading to potential client engagement.
KICC is targeting senior level stakeholders and key decision makers and influencers in terms of main IT solution procurements within the FSI sector in ASEAN for eg;
1. CIO
2. CTO
3. CFO
4. Head of Innovation of Technology Services
5. Enterprise Data Leader
6. Head of Global Platform
7. Group Financial Controller
8. Head of Digital Strategy
9. Head of Digital Content
10. COO
11. Marketing Technology Leader
12. Head of IT Infrastructure
13. Chief Data Officer
Target number of delegates: try to achieve 20 delegates per event from 11 or more leading FSI companies.
Singapore Banks to be invited (not exhaustive):
1. DBS
2. UOB
4. Standard Chartered Bank
5. Citi
7. ANZ
8. NAB
10. Bank of China
11. State Bank of India
We would like to propose a series of single sponsor, invitation-only events that will provide the Korean SMEs with invaluable face time in front of the senior technologists and business decision makers responsible for influencing, evaluating and purchasing technology solutions and products for their organization.
1. Singapore – Shangri La (to be confirmed)
KICC will undertake the task to create a powerful engagement platform to make known the value propositions of the Korean SME’s to the FSI industry within ASEAN through a series of thought leadership opportunities planned to showcase the Korean SMEs offerings, and share their propositions with the decision makers in leading FSI organizations in ASEAN. This platform will also be highly instrumental for leads generation as well as brand building.
Final theme and agenda to be jointly developed upon project authorization and kick off together with the Korean SMEs, understanding & assessing all their individual needs and requirements.
Following is one possible way to run the program.
A turn-key networking event:
Time Contents
4pm -5pm Registration
5pm – 510pm Welcome speech
510pm – 7pm Speech/Presentation from the Korean SMEs
7pm – 8pm Networking
At the end of the session guests and KICC personnel are free to continue networking and build rapport with each other, discuss possible business opportunities, etc..)
Feedback will be collected from all delegates and Korean SME participants at end of event and delegates’ database will be created and shared with KICC.
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